Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Home Based Business

It is really awful that all of us are taught, from day one, to work a regular job, doing 40 or more hours each week. We develop a stressful lifestyle, earning just enough money to get by, buy the basics and perhaps afford one holiday each year - no money left over at the end of the month and growing credit card bills (as a result of Christmas, birthdays and not planning for that emergency). Wow!

Why is this?

Well, people in jobs drives the economy, pretty much. People are then no burden on the social system, they pay taxes, they spend money within the country. Therefore, our school system is geared to driving its pupils towards the job market when they leave. Owning your own business is not on the curriculum, financial planning is not on the curriculum, entrepreneurship is not encouraged or praised and is certainly not on the curriculum. Conforming to the norm is what it's all about, passing exams and getting a "good job" (contradiction in terms!!).

Thank goodness there are now programs on TV, at least, which kids and grown people can watch to showcase businessmen and entrepreneurs - Dragons Den, The Apprentice, Junior Apprentice. Most of today's top businessmen and wealth creators were school drop-outs, unsuccessful at passing exams and written off by teachers as non conformists - Alan Sugar, Richard Branson, for example.

So, with all this indoctrination, how do we get out of the rat trap? How do we get the courage and the discipline needed to start our own business? And that's even before we try to find out what we should actually do for a work at home business!

Well, if you want to change your lifestyle, you need to change your thinking!

For a start, is the image emptying or filling, from your point of view? It depends on how you have learned to think about life. The good news, though, is that your thinking can be changed so that your lifestyle can be changed, too.

Obvious, I know, but it needed to be said.

You need to develop your individual levels of self-confidence. You need to learn to grow a can-do attitude. You need to understand how setting yourself goals to achieve each day will lead you to what you ultimately want out of life.

It is as easy as choosing to make a change. How to make real money from home, in your spare time, can be daunting. Plunging into the world of the internet for legitimate ways to make money online is scary. However, the opportunities are there for everyone and millions of people already make extra money online. Why can't you, as well?

Don't know how? Don't have the right skills? Where do you start?

You start with yourself. You start with changing the way you think about life and how it "should work". You can choose to become the best person you can be. Develop yourself into a free-thinking, positive, forward-looking person with oodles of get-up-and-go. Have some faith and believe things can happen and you can change your life.

There is a well-kept secret which I'll share with you in a minute. This will help you change your thinking and get you on the first step to success. It may seem ridiculous or strange but, trust me, this works. If you don't do it, the rest of your task will be like climbing a mountain with many obstacles in the way.

Think about this - most people book their holidays at the beginning of the year, when they don't have the money to pay for it - but they end up going on holiday and the money somehow appears. People plan Christmas and, what do they get but the Christmas they planned. Most people plan ahead as far as the coming weekend, which inevitably comes and goes. In other words, whatever target you set, you achieve.

However the problem is, the majority of the population never think beyond the following Christmas and if you don't have a target, you can't hit it!! You will drift along and simply get whatever comes in your path. Before I tell you the secret, here is a hard fact that will bring the above home. Some years ago, there was a trial done at an American university where 100 students were asked where they wanted to be in 10-20 years hence. 93% of them had no clue and simply looked to finish their course. The other 7 had set goals/plans, in detail, where they were going to be, live, position, finance, etc. 3 of them commited this to paper. 20 years later, at a reunion party, the top 3% who had commited to paper their plans, were worth more money than the rest put together.

The Secret here is to take some time and imagine your lifestyle in 5 - 10 years time. Think of the things you would love to have - detail here matters, the type of car, the amount of money, etc. There has to be a date for this, a timescale when it will happen. Get some pictures of these things you want and set it all down, in writing, in a book, with the pictures and the dates.

Then you need to believe this will happen. How? Read the book every night before you go to bed without fail and by doing so you affect your subconscious mind. This is the part of your brain that makes the decisions in life for you. By doing the above, your subconscious mind will steer you towards your written target by making the right decisions, as required. You really need to brain wash your mind into helping you get what you want and to where you want to be. It is called The Law of Attraction.

You will also keep on track with your goals on the occasions you get life challenges thrown in your way. Further proof of this - many medal-winning athletes have been interviewed after winning gold medals and have stated that, long before their chosen event, they saw themselves standing on the podium receiving the medal. They repeated this image in their mind over and over again. And guess what?

Most people need some more help in developing their potential. There are some great programs to help develop positive attitudes, which will lead to action, which will change your life style. The best that we've found to help develop yourself, give you confidence that you can do this, give you the discipline to follow through on starting your own business and online income, is called The 11 Forgotten Laws. It is straightforward and easy to understand. It covers all manner of topics to help you grow yourself and change your thinking patterns. It develops self-confidence and awareness and teaches you how to expect better things to happen. How to expect to be successful in what you do and how this actually then makes it happen.

If you want to change your lifestyle - change your thinking.

Tip: the Law of Attraction also works in reverse. If you are constantly putting in negative input into your subconscious you will only get the negative result (ie. focussing on your debt will only create more debt). The news media thrive on the bad side of everything - this will affect your mind without you realising. Are you prepared to take the chance? Get positive.

Think Smart!